Check in day


Check in time between 3 pm - 8 pm - Check out time 10 am


If you reach Central Station Berchtesgaden before check in time

Keep calm and enjoy your day

airbnb Room Kingslake Berchtesgaden Unterkunft Schönau Königssee Bayern

Berchtesgaden (Nice old historic town) near Central station


Do a 10 min. walk to the historic town Berchtesgaden or


take a bus directly to the

- Eeagles Nest

- Ramsau Zauberwald

- National park Hintersee

- Saltmine

- Termalbath or


take a bus directly to the tourism center at Kingslake

put your luggage in the lockerbox at the tourism center and take a walk to the
- Kingslake or to the

- Jenner moutain cable car


further information


fee 2 € / per day


Way to keep your lugage safe before check-in time:

Locker boxes at King's Lake (Tourism Center)

King's lake

Luggage locker boxes at the Tourism Center


Zimmervermietung bett+bike - AirBnB Ludmilla Neunaber
Ludmilla Neunaber - Artenreitring 9 - 83471 Schönau am Königssee
01577 7545258 -



Freie Zimmer am Königssee , Berchtesgaden , Gästezimmer , Unterkunft , rooms , accommodation , Bavaria , Germany , Kings Lake , airbnb , ,


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的整套房子 出租, 巴伐利亚
Bavaria, 德国

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